Fall home tips

Fall is here. It’s time get your home ready for the colder months ahead & maybe even do a fall deep clean (or a purge). Here are a few tips to make the process fun & easy.

Below are 4 tips for preparing your home for winter. For more energy saving tips, we recommend this Popular Mechanics article.

  1. Avoid expensive water damage by preparing your outdoor faucet for winter. Here are a couple easy steps to follow.

  2. Book an arborist. Many winter tree catastrophes are preventable. An arborist can walk your yard with you to check for rotting trees or damaged limbs that may come down in the next storm.

  3. Clean your dryer exhaust to avoid a dryer fire. This one isn’t weather dependent, but if you make it a part of your fall or spring routine, it will be hard to forget.  

  4. If your furnace is 6+ years old, hire a pro to “Clean & Check” it. HVAC experts say an annual C&C will prolong the life of the system, save energy & decrease health risks.

Deep Clean + Purge.

We’ve talked about the power of a deep clean here, but what about cutting out the excess stuff? (link to deep cleaning article)

Marie Kondo wrote a highly rated book all about simplifying your space called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. I highly recommend it. This book systematizes the process of paring down one’s belongings & helps you decide what to keep & how to organize it. My biggest takeaway revolved around stuff I had bought & never used, or things I’ve been gifted.

Marie talks about recognizing when an item has fulfilled its purpose in your life & feeling joy by donating it, where it will once again spark joy for its new owner. This idea has really helped me let go of things that I’ve dutifully hung on to; an expensive jacket that never fit quite right, or a gifted pair of earring that I’ve never worn.

Do you have any fall tips to share? We would love to hear them!